Organizational Checklist for the New Year

Organizing your life for 2023 doesn’t require as much effort as you might think. A few days and a little elbow grease may be all it takes to ring in the new year with a clean slate. Consider starting with the following: 

Decluttering Your House

Decluttering your home is a great way to jump into the new year with things in order; usher in 2023 without needing Google maps to find your phone. Make sure to sort through your drawers (including your junk drawer and the one that holds every random cord and cable you’ve ever owned), organize your bathroom cabinets, and clean out your medicine cabinet. While some medications can be used past a recent expiration date, most old ones should be tossed. In other words, that Tylenol from 1988 belongs in a museum, not your bloodstream. 

Sorting Through Your Storage

For some people, decluttering the home means re-cluttering certain spaces. While it’s tempting to throw everything in a closet never to open it again (at least not when anyone’s around), truly organizing your house requires making sure every room and space are in order. Go through closets, crawl spaces, garages, and wherever else you store things and determine what you can live without.  Donate any gently used items, repurpose what you can, and toss the rest.   

Set a Budget

Of course, organization means more than tidying up your nightstand and throwing out your unmatched socks; it involves managing your bank account, as well.  Before the calendar turns, set a budget for 2023 and establish the bills you must pay and what you can afford to spend on leisure. 

Cancel Subscriptions

From streaming services to music services and dating sites to ancestry companies that help you find your long-lost cousins, chances are high that you have a subscription somewhere you’re not using. If you’re unsure exactly what you’re paying for each month, take a look at your credit card statement and search for repeated charges. Then cancel whatever has run its course (and whatever you simply forgot to cancel after that free trial). 

Make a Wish List

New year’s resolutions tend to be things you need to do, such as being healthier or saving for the future. A wish list, on the other hand, should focus on what you want to do. Whether you want to travel to Hawaii, learn the guitar, get a tattoo, climb a 14er, or try goat yoga, brainstorm some ideas of things that would help make 2023 fabulous. And then come up with a plan to make your wishes come true.

Doing all of the above, or just a few chores, helps you start 2023 without a lengthy to-do list hanging over your head. And that frees you to focus on more important things come January 1st and all the wonderful days that follow.

The Piedmont Apartments in Avon, Colorado offers luxurious, modern homes for residents that blend privacy with epic views of the Rocky Mountains. Contact us today to learn more about mountain town living in our picturesque apartments. 

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